All Posts By “Mark Campbell“
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Database Transactions With pytest
The pytest library for Python is a modern and capable testing framework for Python and we've come up with some good patterns to use with regards to database transactions.
Mutate your Rack middleware's env!
Rack middleware is a powerful pattern to follow, however, there are some 'gotchas'
that you need to keep in mind when developing new middleware. This post explains
how you should be using Rack's env
The Toiling Programmer: Succeeding as a Developer
Ever get a feeling of dread while working on a long problem? That feeling is cancerous towards your work, your relationships at work and your well being. I've personally experienced it many times during my short career -- it's not a fun experience and that's why I would like to write about it. Work doesn't have be like that. You can stop the cycle and feel way better about yourself!
Using Airbrake with Rake and not Rails
You can configure Airbrake to notify you of errors that happen in your rake tasks. However, there is a gotcha if you want to do this outside of Rails.