All Posts Tagged “testing”
Jbuilder to AMS - A tested journey
Not everyone is creating a new Rails app from scratch. Most of us have existing ones which may use RABL, Jbuilder, or a number of other options to generate JSON responses. When we're refactoring large and important parts of our app, how can we test to ensure that refactoring doesn't change the app's behaviour? This article explores that by testing JSON endpoints as we change from Jbuilder to AMS.
Faster RSpec Regression Testing
Explore two approaches for testing along with a suggested workflow. The goal is to improve the time spent during regression testing. The described technique can apply to other testing frameworks, assuming they have similar mechanisms to RSpec's `it` blocks.
No Excuses: Verifying RSpec Test Doubles
RSpec 3.0 introduces new verifying doubles that offer the ability to verify received messages against the underlying class/object. Learn how using verifying doubles offer more robust tests with little effort.